Pandocréon Carta Genius
Quick Guide
In brackets, the number of elements.
In parenthesis, the container element.
pandocreon:carta-genius [1]
Must be the top-level element.
info [0, 1] ((carta-genius))
Information about the document.
- author : author's name
- title : title (default : "Cards generated using Pandocréon Carta-Genius ("
- subject : subjet
- keywords : keywords
- copyright : copyright (and license) information
- version : document's version
- lang : language
- note : any other information
pdf [0,1] ((carta-genius))
- version : PDF version [1.3, 1.4, 1.5]
- master-password : PDF administrator password
- user-password : PDF user password
unit [0,1] ((carta-genius))
back [0,1] ((carta-genius))
fonts [0,1] ((carta-genius))
Declarations of Postscript Type 1 fonts.
- default : default font name
font [0...x] ((fonts))
- id : Postscript font name
- outline : path to the outline file
- metrics : path to the metrics file
path [0...x] ((fonts))
Add a path for font files search.
- dir : path to the directory
images [0,1] ((carta-genius))
Images and image masks declarations.
mask [0...x] ((images))
id : name given to the image mask
file : path to the image (must be a black and white PNG image)
image [0...x] ((images))
- id : name given to the image
- file : path to the image
- width : default width [value]
- height : default height [value]
- mask : path to the transparency image mask (must be a black and white PNG image)
- mask-id : identifier of the previously declared image mask
path [0...x] ((images))
Add a path for image files search.
- dir : path to the directory
templates [0,1] ((carta-genius))
Templates declarations.
template [0...x] ((template))
- id : template's name
- template : template(s) to process before this one
includes [0,1] ((carta-genius))
Declarations of include files.
include [0...x] ((includes))
- file : path to the include file
path [0...x] ((includes))
Add a path for include files search.
- dir : path to the directory
<variables [0,1] ((carta-genius))
Declaration of variables processed at the beginning.
deck [1...x] ((carta-genius))
Cards group.
paper [1] ((deck))
- type : standard paper type (A0, LETTER, ...)
- landscape : landscape mode, width and height inversion [YES, NO]
- width : paper width (if not standard) [value]
- height : paper height (if not standard) [value]
- margin : margin size all over the paper [value]
- margin-width : margin size on left and right (if not all over the same) [value]
- margin-height : margin size on top and bottom (if not all over the same) [value]
hidden-ditch [0,1] ((deck))
- odd : hidden-ditch's color on odd pages [color]
- even : hidden-ditch's color on even pages [color]
cardsize [1] ((deck))
- type : card type (standard paper A0, LETTER, ...)
- landscape : landscape mode, width and height inversion [YES, NO]
- width : card width (if not standard) [value]
- height : card height (if not standard) [value]
- space : vertical and horizontal space between cards [value]
- space-width : horizontal space between cards (if not all over the same) [value]
- space-height : vertical space between cards (if not all over the same) [value]
card [1...x] ((deck))
- count : number of card's processing
- template : template(s) to process before this card
- back : template(s) to use for card's back
circle [0...x] ((card, template))
- x : circle center's abscissa [value]
- y : circle center's ordinate [value]
- radius : circle radius [value]
- line-width : line width [value]
- line-color : line color [color]
- fill-color : fill color [color]
- dash1 : size of filled dashes (must be used with 'dash2') [value]
- dash2 : size of empty dashes (must be used with 'dash1') [value]
- opacity : opacity (0.0 <= x <= 1.0) [scalar]
- blendmode : colors blend mode (Multiply, Overlay, ...) [blendmode]
box [0...x] ((card, template))
- x : box's bottom-left corner abscissa [value]
- y : box's bottom-left corner ordinate [value]
- width : box's width [value]
- height : box's height [value]
- radius : box corners' radius [value]
- line-width : line width [value]
- line-color : line color [color]
- fill-color : fill color [color]
- rotation : rotation angle in degrees [scalar]
- dash1 : size of filled dashes (must be used with 'dash2') [value]
- dash2 : size of empty dashes (must be used with 'dash1') [value]
- opacity : opacity (0.0 <= x <= 1.0) [scalar]
- blendmode : colors blend mode (Multiply, Overlay, ...) [blendmode]
line [0...x] ((card, template))
- x1 : line's first point abscissa [value]
- y1 : line's first point ordinate [value]
- x2 : line's second point abscissa [value]
- y2 : line's second point ordinate [value]
- width : line width [value]
- color : line color [color]
- dash1 : size of filled dashes (must be used with 'dash2') [value]
- dash2 : size of empty dashes (must be used with 'dash1') [value]
- opacity : opacity (0.0 <= x <= 1.0) [scalar]
- blendmode : colors blend mode (Multiply, Overlay, ...) [blendmode]
bezier [0...x] ((card, template))
- x1 : line's first point abscissa [value]
- y1 : line's first point ordinate [value]
- x2 : line's second point abscissa [value]
- y2 : line's second point ordinate [value]
- cp-x1 : first control point abscissa [value]
- cp-y1 : first control point ordinate [value]
- cp-x2 : second control point abscissa [value]
- cp-y2 : second control point ordinate [value]
- width : line width [value]
- color : line color [color]
- dash1 : size of filled dashes (must be used with 'dash2') [value]
- dash2 : size of empty dashes (must be used with 'dash1') [value]
- opacity : opacity (0.0 <= x <= 1.0) [scalar]
- blendmode : colors blend mode (Multiply, Overlay, ...) [blendmode]
image [0...x] ((card, template))
- id : name of the previously declared image
- file : path to the image
- mask : path to the transparency image mask
- mask-id : name of the previously declared transparency mask
- entire : distort image to fill the entire zone [YES, NO]
- x : image's bottom-left corner abscissa [value]
- y : image's bottom-left corner ordinate [value]
- width : image's width [value]
- height : image's height [value]
- rotation : rotation angle in degrees [scalar]
polygon [0...x] ((card, template))
- x : polygon's first point abscissa [value]
- y : polygon's first point ordinate [value]
- line-width : line width [value]
- line-color : line color [color]
- fill-color : fill color [color]
- rotation : rotation angle in degrees [scalar]
- dash1 : size of filled dashes (must be used with 'dash2') [value]
- dash2 : size of empty dashes (must be used with 'dash1') [value]
- opacity : opacity (0.0 <= x <= 1.0) [scalar]
- blendmode : colors blend mode (Multiply, Overlay, ...) [blendmode]
line [0...x] ((polygon))
- x : next point abscissa [value]
- y : next point ordinate [value]
bezier [0...x] ((polygon))
- x : next point abscissa [value]
- y : next point ordinate [value]
- cp-x1 : first control point abscissa [value]
- cp-y1 : first control point ordinate [value]
- cp-x2 : second control point abscissa [value]
- cp-y2 : second control point ordinate [value]
grid [0...x] ((card, template))
- x : grid's bottom-left abscissa [value]
- y : grid's bottom-left ordinate [value]
- cell-width : cells' width [value]
- cell-height : cells' height [value]
- nbr-width : horizontal number of cells [integer]
- nbr-height : vertical number of cells [integer]
- line-width : line width [value]
- line-color : line color [color]
- fill-color : fill color [color]
- rotation : rotation angle in degrees [scalar]
- dash1 : size of filled dashes (must be used with 'dash2') [value]
- dash2 : size of empty dashes (must be used with 'dash1') [value]
- opacity : opacity (0.0 <= x <= 1.0) [scalar]
- blendmode : colors blend mode (Multiply, Overlay, ...) [blendmode]
hexagon [0...x] ((card, template))
- x : abscisse du bord gauche de l'hexagone [valeur]
- y : ordonnée du bord inférieur de l'hexagone [valeur]
- width : largeur de l'hexagone [valeur]
- line-width : line width [value]
- line-color : line color [color]
- fill-color : fill color [color]
- rotation : rotation angle in degrees [scalar]
- dash1 : size of filled dashes (must be used with 'dash2') [value]
- dash2 : size of empty dashes (must be used with 'dash1') [value]
- opacity : opacity (0.0 <= x <= 1.0) [scalar]
- blendmode : colors blend mode (Multiply, Overlay, ...) [blendmode]
text [0...x] ((card, template))
- font : font's name (excepted using default font)
- size : font's size [value]
- color : font's color [color]
- align : text alignment [left, right, center, justify]
- x : text zone's bottom-left corner abscissa [value]
- y : text zone's bottom-left corner ordinate [value]
- width : text zone's width [value]
- height : text zone's height [value]
- radius : radius of round corners [value]
- adapt : text size adaptation [YES, NO]
- space : line spacing size compared with font size [scalar]
- rotation : rotation angle in degrees [scalar]
- dash1 : size of filled dashes (must be used with 'dash2') [value]
- dash2 : size of empty dashes (must be used with 'dash1') [value]
- opacity : opacity (0.0 <= x <= 1.0) [scalar]
- blendmode : colors blend mode (Multiply, Overlay, ...) [blendmode]
- fill-color : fill color [color]
- line-color : line color [color]
- line-width : line width [value]
- border : border size [value]
- underline : underline [YES, NO]
- overligne : overline [YES, NO]
- strikeout : strikeout [YES, NO]
- char-space : space between characters [value]
- h-scale : horizontal scale (in percent) [scalar]
- ladder-color : ladder lines color [color]
- ladder-bottom : set ladder lines under font descender [YES, NO]
- ladder-rise : ladder lines rise value [value]
br [0...x] ((text))
Insert a new line.
p [0...x] ((text))
Insert two new lines.
value [0...x] ((text))
Insert an expression result (could be a simple variable).
- precision : number of digits to display after the decimal point [scalar]
var [0...x] ((variables, card, template))
Define a variable and affect to it the result of an expression.
- name : variable's name
- precision : number of digits to display after the decimal point [scalar]
text-define [0...x] ((card, template))
Define a rich text.
block [1...x] ((text-define))
- font : font's name (excepted using default font)
- size : font's size [value]
- color : font's color [color]
- space : line spacing size compared with font size [scalar]
- underline : underline [YES, NO]
- overligne : overline [YES, NO]
- strikeout : strikeout [YES, NO]
- char-space : space between characters [value]
- h-scale : horizontal scale (in percent) [scalar]
text-area [0...x] ((card, template))
- id : text's identifier
- x : text zone's bottom-left corner abscissa [value]
- y : text zone's bottom-left corner ordinate [value]
- width : text zone's width [value]
- height : text zone's height [value]
- rotation : rotation angle in degrees [scalar]
- dash1 : size of filled dashes (must be used with 'dash2') [value]
- dash2 : size of empty dashes (must be used with 'dash1') [value]
- opacity : opacity (0.0 <= x <= 1.0) [scalar]
- blendmode : colors blend mode (Multiply, Overlay, ...) [blendmode]
- fill-color : fill color [color]
- line-color : line color [color]
- line-width : line width [value]
- border : border size [value]
if [0...x] ((card, template))
Conditional instruction.
while [0...x] ((card, template))
Loop instruction.
log [0...x] ((card, template))
Error log writing.
- precision : number of digits to display after the decimal point [scalar]
Copyright (c) 2004-2005, Amaury Bouchard
This documentation is placed under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License